Tryst Medical Centre

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Please be considerate to our staff

Help keep us going. Please support health and social care staff.

Abusive behaviour causes mental and physical harm to our staff, leading to time off work and less time with patients.

Contacting your GP for COVID-19 Symptoms

NHS Inform has a wealth of information if you have COVID-19 symptoms. If you need further medical advice call your GP practice or call 111 when your GP practice is closed.

Travel Health and Vaccinations

If you think you require vaccines and/or a malaria risk assessment, you should make an appointment with a travel health professional.

Spring booster dose for high risk groups

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised a spring dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as a precaution to those at extremely high risk, most of whom received their first booster around 6 months ago.

Flu Vaccination

Due to the high volume of patients to be immunised this year and COVID restrictions requiring pre-booked appointments, flu immunisations will be organised this year at central hubs by NHS